Who will tell the story? New Braunfels Family Photographer tells your story

As New Braunfels family photographer, Shelia Louise, was packing up after the shoot, her client’s little boy tumbles out of the car with this old, beautiful stick.

new braunfels family photographer

Raechel’s great, great grandfather left to dutifully fight in the Civil War. His wife and children were devastated as the war had ended and months had passed. They believed they would never see him again. One day, as Raechel’s great, great grandmother was washing dishes at the sink , she looked out the window, and I imagine her heart lept as she glimpsed a man hobbling over the hill toward the house. It had taken him months, but he had made it HOME.

The STICK, that little Genaro carried, was his tenacious great, great, great grandfather’s walking stick that helped him get home to his family. WHAT?!?! Needless to say, I grabbed my camera and took a few pictures of this beautiful boy with his courageous great, great, great grandfather’s walking stick.

new braunfels family photographer

What a perfect and beautiful legacy hanging on the wall of their home! I know one day Genaro will tell the story to his children and grandchildren.

This is why family art is so important! It does not let us forget the loved ones in our past that helped make us who we are today. I wonder what meaningful items you have in your home that we can include in your artwork/albums??