The NO PARENT session!! New Braunfels Studio Child Photographer

Usually when a client reaches out they are over-due for a family portrait. Precious time has flown by and they are soo ready to get something on their wall … finally.

Family sessions are SUPER FUN and at Shelia Louise Photography we really know how to celebrate, connect everyone and create LOTS of memories at the shoot. You are left with gorgeous reminders of your beautiful life so you can decorate your home with so much LOVE.


what if….

this time…

You JUST photographed the KIDS!

So many fun things to be done in studio and outdoors. If you have never done this, it is time!! Framed individual personality pictures of the kids flowing down the hallway in artsy black & white metal is amazing!

A WILD sibling shot of the kids doing something lovely or crazy is a perfect statement piece in the playroom.

A well-thought out portrait to decorate their bedroom, whether in a fairytale dress, ballerina, soccer pic, electric guitar on metal, reading a book at sunset with your cat and bread she baked on her own…are BEAUTIFUL ways to add something cherished to their bedroom.

So leave Dad at home and don’t stress about your outfit or hair this time mom!! Let’s have some fun with the kiddos IN-STUDIO or outdoors and get all the big and wild personalities in pictures for you to always remember this beautiful season. These are the days you never want to forget.