Adoption Artwork is healing

We Are Family Project: Adoption Artwork

Tears in her eyes, my adopted 8yr old daughter, Gracie, claimed she loved the new family artwork over the fireplace and finally felt like she was ‘really’ part of the family. Family artwork is healing; especially for adopted children. I immediately wanted to bring that healing to other adoptive families in my community.

I reached out to the amazing organization here in town, Chosen, whose mission provides hope for families and healing for children.  Jenni Lord, Chosen’s Chief Executive Officer, who started this organization over 10 years ago, agreed wholeheartedly to collaborate with Shelia Louise Photography.  Chosen’s desire to serve the adoption, foster, and relative caregiver community made this an easy “yes” to my project called, We are Family!  

The families I photographed now have emotion-filled, healing artwork on the walls of their home. Their children, who may not consciously understand the healing they experience each time they walk by their new family wall art, are experiencing hope and family bonds are being strengthened.  I gifted Jenni a special 10 year commemorative album with the families photographed as a special ‘thank you’ for the work she and her organization have poured into our community.  

new braunfels family photographer shelia louise photography