Adding JOY and BEAUTY to your life every single day is a worthy pursuit anyone can achieve with a little intention.
Here are a few things I have done this month to add more joy and beauty into my 2024.
Make a list in your journal of what brings you joy.
I bet it is spending time with certain people in your life, going to a special spot (in nature or coffee spot), reading a good book, a favorite song/artists, a smell (I LOVE the smell of roses-it just makes me happy:). Do you have a favorite sweater or blanket? Curl up with your favorite person or book, gorgeous flowers on the coffee table with lovely music playing…oh baby. Do you have a favorite poem or scripture that brings joy? Put it somewhere you will see it often. Maybe you can add beautiful art or frame your favorite memories on the wall to look at everyday.
I plan to keep adding to my list for a few weeks as I discover more things and I will intentionally start adding these things into my daily life. May your 2024 be filled with JOY and BEAUTY.